Garlic and cinnamaldehyde based Powder for feed application
Allicin, Cinnamaldehyde
Garlisure forte has broad spedtrum antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal,
bactericidal effect
Garlisure forte has a feed attractant effect: increase appetite, increase feed
intake, improves survival rate. egg production rate, improves hatchability in
breeders and over all performance in chickens.
Garlisure forte improves animal meat flavor and lowers cholesterol.
Garlisure forte has antifungal effect on various fungi like Aspergillus flavors,
Aspergillus Niger, Aspergillus fumigatus. It has a very strong inhibition and
fungicidal role, can effectively prevent moldy feed and extends keeping quality
of feed.
Garlisure forte has no side effects without residue and resistance.
Garlisure forte has no cross resistance with other in-feed antibiotics or any
other feed ingredients.
800 g - 1 Kg/ton of finished feed
- Cattle, Poultry, Swine, Duck, Fish
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