Garlisure forte

Garlic and cinnamaldehyde based Powder for feed application


Allicin, Cinnamaldehyde

    • Garlisure forte has broad spedtrum antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, bactericidal effect

    • Garlisure forte has a feed attractant effect: increase appetite, increase feed intake, improves survival rate. egg production rate, improves hatchability in breeders and over all performance in chickens.

    • Garlisure forte improves animal meat flavor and lowers cholesterol.

    • Garlisure forte has antifungal effect on various fungi like Aspergillus flavors, Aspergillus Niger, Aspergillus fumigatus. It has a very strong inhibition and fungicidal role, can effectively prevent moldy feed and extends keeping quality of feed.

    • Garlisure forte has no side effects without residue and resistance.

    • Garlisure forte has no cross resistance with other in-feed antibiotics or any other feed ingredients.

    • 800 g - 1 Kg/ton of finished feed
    • 25 Kg
    • Cattle, Poultry, Swine, Duck, Fish
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